The blog’s 5th anniversary prompted an evening about meaningful travel. Here’s a summary of the event and panel discussion with industry experts.

If you are familiar with Jetting Around, you may have noticed that I like to throw parties. There is JA Café: Travel Talk Over Coffee, intimate meetups for travelers in Chicago (my home base) and other cities I visit. JAM Session is a series of cultural events, featuring performances by international artists. And in the past few years, I have hosted the blog’s anniversary celebrations. All that because I like to take JA offline to meet my readers, plus other travel and culture-minded people.
As the 5th anniversary approached, I wanted to make it special. I envisioned a community event that would be both entertaining and engaging. And I hoped to support travel organizations, having previously volunteered in Ecuador.
The idea was born, but I needed the right partners.
When I met the program manager of Spark Ventures, a local “impact travel” non-profit, we quickly decided to collaborate. We had a shared interest in philanthropic events and knew a lot of the same people (it’s a surprise we hadn’t met earlier). Before long, we had agreed on a theme and brought other collaborators on board. Event planning began.
“Meaningful travel” came up in our conversations almost instantly. Not only did we feel strongly about the concept, but it had been identified as one of the major tourism trends by the Travel Channel, Travel & Leisure, TIME, and Forbes. We thought the best way to showcase it during the event would be through a panel discussion with experts.
Besides Spark Ventures, participating organizations included the Chicago-based non-profit Greenheart Travel (my partner in South America) and social enterprise Unearth the World. Both are providers of cultural immersion programs abroad. Hostelling International USA would also join the panel, and their Chicago location serve as our venue. HI USA is a non-profit network of hostels, focused on connecting their guests with local communities.
The 45-minute talk, followed by a Q&A session with attendees, was moderated by me and featured four panelists: Rich Johnson (CEO and Co-Founder of Spark Ventures), Megan Arzbaecher (Program Manager at Greenheart Travel), Kathryn Pisco (Founder of Unearth the World), and Megan Arlow (Regional Engagement Manager at HI USA).

Our guests started off by sharing meaningful experiences they’d had when traveling, from visiting fair trade artisans in India to speaking with community leaders in Zambia. Megan from HI USA recalled volunteer-teaching an English class in Japan, where she connected with a local resident. As it turned out, the woman took the class to “meet an American and let go of the hate she’d held since WWII.”
All the panelists stressed the long-term effects of these interactions, especially in the way they perceive other countries. “People from the other side of the world are not that different from me,” Rich from Spark Ventures remarked. Kathryn of Unearth the World added, “I learned about the importance of human connection and cross-cultural exchange.” For both of them, travel also became the impetus to start their organizations.
Much time was devoted to industry trends when it comes to “traveling with a purpose.” Megan from Greenheart Travel mentioned a steady increase in solo female travel. The others had registered more inquiries about volunteer projects from Millennials and families traveling together. They also noted a “greater desire for unique experiences and connecting with local communities,” often facilitated by services such as Airbnb, Couchsurfing, and Meal Sharing.

The panel agreed that “meaningful travel” will continue to get attention in 2016, but warned against organizations trying to “earn a quick buck.” They advised attendees to do research and find projects that are financially transparent and have a tangible impact on local communities.
Besides encouraging volunteer travel and participation in cultural exchange programs, we wanted to give the audience ideas to implement on any trip. Suggestions included: bringing a reusable water bottle, staying at “green” hotels, eating at establishments owned by residents, purchasing locally-made handicrafts, taking local tours and transportation. The panel also recommended learning about the culture beforehand, to better engage with people.
“Travel with an open mind,” they all concluded.
The event was scheduled to last two hours, but a number of people lingered on. We chatted over leftover snacks, exchanged contact information, made plans to meet. Some guests said that they felt inspired to make a difference – in their neighborhoods and on the road. “Me too,” I thought, as I recalled my time in Ecuador: living with a host family and working at a day care center. Perhaps it’s time to volunteer again.

Thank you to all the participating organizations for making this event happen: contributing time, expertise, and raffle prizes (extra thanks to the Catrinka Project for their item). And thank you to all the attendees for supporting meaningful travel. Part of the proceeds were donated by my company JA Media to Spark Venture’s programs.
Photos by: Kambua Chema Photography
“Travel with an open mind” should be everybody’s motto. The same applies to life as well :)
Very true, Darek!
5 years – sounds amazing, congratulations!
And it’s actually really cool that you have these meetings, that’s a great idea!
Traveling Rockhopper recently posted..Madeira – Santana
Thank you! It’s hard to believe it’s been that long… And perhaps I’ll meet you at a future event.
Fajny pomysł na celebrację. Przy okazji gratuluję!
Dzięki, Pat! Zawsze miło poimprezować. :)
Można tylko pozazdrościć takiego obchodzenia rocznicy. Gratulacje! :)
Aleksandra recently posted..REJS NA KOMODO
Zapraszam za rok!
What a good way to draw attention to an important topic! I didn’t realize the phrase ‘meaningful travel’ was emerging as a trend. Glad to hear this. Congratulations on the great turnout and happy 5th, Pola!
Cassie recently posted..From Tree To Bar on the Big Island: Visiting a Chocolate Farm in Hawaii
Thank you, Cassie! I too am glad that ‘meaningful travel’ is getting more attention (it’s also referred to as impact travel or travel with a purpose). It’s already a multi-million dollar industry, so it’s important to pay attention who’s jumping on board and choose the right projects. Thanks for the note.
Well, the most important thing is to go out and meet people as they bring most of the best stories! Well done! And congratulations on blog’s 5th bday! :)
Agreed! There’s nothing quite like listening to stories from the road… Thanks and hope to see you at an event in KRK. ;)
Do you already know the date for the event? As always, I need to book my time! ;) Hope to see you soon!
Martin recently posted..Zabójcze piękno laguny lodowcowej Jökulsárlón i Fjallsárlón
Let’s talk! Check your email. :)
Firstly – congratulations! 5 years sounds great!
Such meetings are graet opportunity to share experiance, to learn something new and understand others.
balkanyrudej recently posted..Balkan Orient Trip – Stambuł i Bosfor
Thank you! The panelists had so many stories to share, we probably could have talked longer… Now I’m motivated to volunteer again.
Wow, 5 rocznica! Ładnie:) no i oryginalnie oraz pomysłowo świętowana. Gratuluję!
Dziękuję, Asia! Jestem wdzięczna, że właśnie tak się to ułożyło. :)
Well, you know how I feel about this! Volunteering in emerging countries is probably one of the things I’m most passionate about these days. It really is so very meaningful to me.
lola recently posted..Fun Forecast: New Finds in 4 Great US Cities
Lola, I still remember your Cambodia trip, which inspired me to volunteer in the first place. One of these days we’ll have to meet again and swap notes!
Pola, better yet, let’s do a volunteer trip together at some point. I’d truly love it!
lola recently posted..My Favorite Finds in Pretty Porto, Portugal
I would too, Lola! We’ll be in touch. x
What a great event, and a way to get people together and focused on travel related topics. Congrats on your five year anniversary. Let me know if you plan on having one in South Florida in 2016.
Carmen | Carmen’s Luxury Travel recently posted..Swissotel Chicago: Luxury & Downtown Convenience
Thanks, Carmen! I’d love to host more events in other cities, and a trip to Florida is overdue… Who knows? :)
Wow. Very interesting to hear about Megan teaching in Japan and the reason why a local lady came to her class. That’s a very powerful story.
I’m pretty sure I got teary-eyed when she said that…
The long term effects of interactions across any travel experience are what resonate the most with me. Travel not only helps you grow and become more appreciative of other cultures, but great, meaningful experiences and interactions have led to some of the best friendships.
Winederlusting recently posted..Guide to Best Shell Hunting on Sanibel Island Paradise
No doubt, Greig! Among my favorite trips are those where I learned from locals about their city, country, culture… You can’t beat those interactions.
Wow, what a great idea for an event! I think “Meaningful Travel” is definitely the perfect theme for a travel related event, because really, what is the point of just going around ticking countries off of a list. We need to engage with locals and help make their beautiful country we are visiting a better place instead of just tearing it up more on our trip and getting out. Awesome idea!
Mary Hood recently posted..8 Things Americans Could Learn from Argentines
Beautifully said, Mary! I think you would have enjoyed the panel discussion. Too bad we’re in different cities.
Looks like a great event. I wish I could have attended, but I was busy traveling. Not sure if the travel was meaningful though since I missed the seminar.
Traveling Ted recently posted..Cartagena Flipkey apartment rental paradise
Well, it would have been great to party with you, but you went to the #1 country on my South American travel list…
Look forward to when you go jetting around Colombia and hear your impression.
Traveling Ted recently posted..Five reasons to visit Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park
I sure hope it happens in 2016!
This is what everyone from our bloggers community should do in every city. There’s always time for good party! :)
Haha, there’s always time! I’d like to attend a meetup of Polish bloggers I keep hearing about…
I really like how you continue to diversify Jetting Around. Panel discussions, when they include the right speakers with an appropriate audience are quite effective. I keep hearing about meaningful travel but it’s one of those things I think many people don’t understand how attainable it can be for them. I think this is a good topic to explore for one of my newspaper columns.
Lance | Trips By Lance recently posted..Nighttime Airboat Ride in Florida Everglades
Thanks for the nice words, Lance! And you’re right in saying that “meaningful travel” can be attainable. While it certainly includes volunteer trips, it starts with the little things.
what a great event, pola! we were truly changed by our experience volunteering in south africa earlier this year and look forward to finding ways to make more of future travels meaningful and impactful! xo
the lazy travelers recently posted..autumn in south iceland // part one
Great to hear that, ladies! I remember reading about your trip, and I’m glad that it keeps inspiring you. xo
Great event from the looks of it, Pola! I do a lot of travel “with purpose” with a non-profit called Trekking for Kids. I have trekked in many places around the world to benefit orphaned/at-risk children. I just went to Nepal and next fall I am headed to Simien Mountains in Ethiopia.
Raul (@ilivetotravel) recently posted..Flying into Dangerous Lukla Airport in Nepal
Yes! I know about Trekking for Kids thanks to you, and I enjoy following your trips. Keep rocking!
What a great meeting and terrific theme. It’s so important to make travel meaningful, to travel with purpose as you say, and to make a tangible impact on the places you deliver. Excellent stuff.
Thank you, Sarah. Beautifully said about making a tangible impact. After all, travel is “more than the seeing of sights.”
Sounds like a great event, and congrats on 5 years! I agree ‘meaningful travel’ is the latest travel ‘phenomenon’ and a great concept to buy in to. I’ve been thinking about getting back into volunteering again, perhaps now is the time!
Heather Cole recently posted..Robocopp Wearable security alarm GIVEAWAY
Ha, yes! If there is one “trend” I’m happy to follow, it’s this one. :) Good luck with volunteering, Heather!
I once read an interview with Andrew Zimmern about his time meeting with a tribe in Africa. While they were enjoying a meal, a jeep full of tourists pulled up to the village, snapped a few pictures and sped off. The village chief mentioned that he was hurt that these tourists never stopped and got to know him and his people. In our desire to experience the world we must never forget the people on the other side of the interaction. Meaningful travel is a two way street.
Brianna recently posted..10 Gifts for the Traveler on your List- and a Giveaway for You!
Thanks for sharing this story, Brianna! I think one of the panelists actually said that we shouldn’t treat people just as “accessories to take pictures of.” How very true… I once tried to sneak some photos of someone working in a temple in India. He saw me and waved me over to show what he was making and… to get better photos. We ended up having such a great conversation! Lesson learned.
Congratulations on the fifth anniversary and what looks like a wonderful, and meaningful party! I can’t say I’ve done “meaningful” travel by your definition, but I completely agree with you that people we meet and what happens during our traveling can have a long-lasting impact and changes our view on the world. So that said, come to think of it, I think maybe our travels are meaningful, since our kids are learning about the world and how people live in other countries wherever we go. It opens their minds a bit, I hope.
Jolanta | Casual Travelers recently posted..Thanks to a stranger… Stories of Strangers’ Kindness around the World
Traveling with children certainly qualifies as meaningful! My parents took me everywhere with them when I was a kid and that has affected me for life, in positive ways (curiosity about the world, learning languages, and even my career). Traveling truly is some of the best education out there and it’s wonderful that you travel with your kids, Jolanta.
Great topic for such an anniversary! I think that meaningful travel is a very important concept and I’m sure that the more we talk about it the more people become aware of it.
I’ve noticed that you like meeting your readers outside the blog – I like the idea very much ;)
Monica recently posted..God Bless You!
Monica, I’d love to meet you at one of my events! Who knows, maybe we’ll happen to be in the same city at the same time. :)
People have to change attitude towards mass truism and start traveling in small groups or alone …to get the most out of it. Congratulations about your work.
Thank you, Samos! Solo and small group travel has been the most rewarding in my case, for sure.