Looking back at a writing-filled weekend in New England, my first trip of this kind
I had wanted to participate in a writing retreat for a while, but didn’t think it would happen anytime soon. The meetings I came across were either too expensive or too far away, even for this frequent traveler. I was hoping to find a weekend retreat that would not interfere with my schedule, but still allow me to immerse myself in writing.

The answer came unexpectedly, in a newsletter from Pink Pangea.
I’d been familiar with this community of female travelers for quite some time. We first connected online, then I invited them to co-host #JAchat about women in travel (see recap here). When I saw Pink Pangea’s email about a retreat in Connecticut, I clicked right away.
Besides group workshops and guided writing activities, the trip included three healthy meals per day and accommodations at a conference center surrounded by forests and hiking trails. It sounded like the right opportunity, even before I noticed information about a partial scholarship.
I happened to apply on the last day. A few hours later, I was surprised with good news – my application had been accepted! I didn’t have much time to prepare since the retreat was scheduled for the following week. Luckily, I found affordable flights to New York and arranged for a rental car at the airport.
It was going to be a long travel day, but I couldn’t wait.
I arrived at the retreat center with just enough time to change and freshen up before dinner. Most of the group was already there, getting acquainted in our meeting room. The spacious attic on the third floor – steps away from our bedrooms – had a couch, armchairs, and lots of natural light. Tables were pushed towards the walls and seating arranged in a circle – nothing resembling a classroom.
“This will be good,” I thought to myself, as we took the elevator down to the dining room.
The buffet-style meal didn’t disappoint on that or any day of the retreat. Breakfast consisted of eggs, pastries, oatmeal, and a selection of cereal. Soups, salads, and sandwiches were served for lunch. For dinner, you could choose rice or potatoes with lean meats, tofu, or tempeh, plus various sides and desserts. On top of that, fruits and refreshments were available 24/7. We had everything we needed to feel nourished and ready to write.

And write we did… a lot!
Our coach and Pink Pangea co-founder Jackie wasted no time getting us in the writing zone. Back in the attic, we went over the schedule and defined individual goals for the retreat. Then it was time for the first writing cue – one of many to come.
Jackie must have sensed our unease when she mentioned feedback. She made it clear that we were in a supportive environment, where the idea was to inspire and not “tear one another apart.” Instead of academic-style critique, which can be harsh, she encouraged pointing out what works in our pieces and offering constructive advice, as needed.
The next two days were wonderfully intense: doing workshops, analyzing travel articles from online magazines, and discussing the business side of writing. We also took breaks to do stretches and breathing exercises.
As the hours went on, we learned more about the group: our background, travels, writing and career goals, even our fears. It felt as if we’d spent more than a weekend together and it was hard to leave. At the same time, I was eager to apply what I’d learned to my writing routine.

A few weeks after the retreat, I feel as charged as I did on the plane back to Chicago.
I never thought I could write longer pieces by hand as efficiently as on the computer, or do yoga at home. But those are some of the helpful tools that I’ve gained.
I also feel more connected to the writing community. While I know a lot of writers and bloggers, our interactions are often limited to social media. It’s not the same as sitting in the same room with others and learning from their stories, like we did in Connecticut.
On the first day, Jackie warned us that we might “get hooked” on retreats, the way she had (and not just Pink Pangea’s). It didn’t take me long to agree with her. Where to next…?
I was looking at the retreats in Tuscany and Switzerland. Unfortunately it won’t work out for me time- and financial wise, but I’d love to attend such a retreat!
Maaike recently posted..History and Royals: Windsor
I hope you’ll get a chance to attend a future one! Those European retreats sure sound fantastic…
I think we should organise something similar in Poland :)
balkanyrudej recently posted..BST 2014/15. Część 2 – w Sarajewie
Yes! I’d love to go to one in Mazury. :)
Thanks for sharing! I’m considering going on one of their retreats also.
Danielle Davis recently posted..Today’s On The Go Photo: Lovely Spanish Point, Bermuda
Hi Danielle. Perhaps we’ll meet at one of them? :)
Hi Pola
Sounds excellent, I have been looking for something like this for a long time. Need to browse their site for more details.
Cheers from Berlin Doro
Hey Dorothee! :) Good timing, as they have a few European retreats coming up.
Seems like a very nice idea! Besides, I love Connecticut!
Marcin W recently posted..Wieże Lodu i Gołębi, czyli perły irańskiej architektury pustynnej
Yeah, I’d love see see more of CT next time!
Ciekawe, ale czy to przypadkiem nie dyskryminacja. No cóż, zanim nie zmienię płci, to nie dla mnie (-;
Łukasz | Kartka z Podróży recently posted..Na dachu Warszawy
Haha, pewnie są gdzieś też koedukacyjne wypady. :)
Nice idea, I have never heard of such thing before… However, recently I’ve been writing many of my blog posts by hand and I find it much better than on the computer!
Ewa recently posted..Łukasz Orbitowski: Zapiski nosorożca
That’s great about hand writing! I’ve been doing that a lot since the retreat and enjoying it.
woow writing zone and retreat center looks interesting :) I hope you had great time there :)
Angela recently posted..VI Moje 21 urodziny w Barcelonie i dziwny powrót do domu.
It was a great experience in many ways. Thanks, Angela!
Fajna idea :) Myślę, że koncepcja damskich podróży i ogólnie miejsc przeznaczonych dla nas dopiero się w Polsce pojawi (jak to zwykle bywa…) :)
Chętnie wybrałabym się na Mazury lub nad Bałtyk w takich ‘pisarskich’ celach. :)
We, Polish bloggers demand similar treat!
Wiola Starczewska recently posted..Jak mieszkają polscy blogerzy podróżniczy? 34 niesamowite zdjęcia.
Hmm, I wonder if there’s something similar in Poland… I’d love to attend.
Haha, I’m supporting this! :D
Anna recently posted..How to travel with chronic diseases
Maybe that’s where we’d finally meet, Anna! Haha…
I’m happy to know that you got a lot out of this retreat and that you enjoyed it. I’d love to do something similar. I’d also love to see more photos of that retreat center! It looks lovely.
Francesca (@WorkMomTravels) recently posted..Introducing The Saucy Mom’s Travels
Thanks, Francesca. Let’s go on a retreat together! Maybe that would be the girls’ getaway we keep talking about… :)
Great stuff, writing retreat…. that may be just what I need to recharge the batteries…. Stay ChargedUp, Craig
craig zabransky recently posted..The 31 States of the United Mexican States
Hey Craig. If you can find a retreat that’s not girls-only, I highly recommend! :) It’s amazing how you can get a fresh perspective just by being around other writers, when it’s not just you and the laptop.
As I see a meal was fantastic! :) and an idea of meeting is interesting!
Marta (www.podrozeodkuchni.pl) recently posted..Restauracja Carska – Białowieża
Ha, their pastries are so good… :)
I have been on a few drinking retreats before, but never a writing one. Sounds like a great learning experience.
Traveling Ted recently posted..Five amazing National Park adventures
Haha… We had lots of tea and coffee, probably better for the writing. ;)
Jetting Around recently posted..Capturing birthday fun in Paris with Flytographer
Oh this looks wonderful! Wish I could have made it to this one!
Erin Marie recently posted..Responsible Tourism: Five Travel Experiences I Wouldn’t Do Today.
See you at a future one, Erin! Deal? :) You’d make a great retreat buddy.
Pola I think this sounds so interesting. Pink Pangea was hosting something at the NYTF a couple weekends ago and I really wanted to participate. I definitely am at a point where I’d like to hone my writing more and get good constructive feedback.
lola recently posted..Six Discoveries about Jamaica
I heard about their workshop at NYTF and wish I could have attended! I hope you’ll find the right retreat for you, Lola. Good luck. :)
I love the idea of a writing retreat. I think there’s always room for improvement and we must hone the craft consistently. I’m guilty of not practicing what I preach. Looks like this is a great opportunity to be surrounded by talented people wanting to help one another.
Leah recently posted..Giving Cruising Another Chance with Viking River Cruises
The best this was having that supportive environment. If you ever have a chance to do a retreat, go for it. It’s a great experience.
The first time I hear about Pink Pangea , interesting…
Wapniaki Wdrodze recently posted..My turyści industrialni … Zwiedzamy Gliwice i Szlak Zabytków Techniki Śląska Radiostacja i Oddział Odlewnictwa Artystycznego
Yeah, I found out about them not too long ago. Glad I did!
This sounds great. I have just started travel writing and it is completely different. I have a marketing blog and the writing style is very impersonal, so I might have to look into some kind of retreat to learn about travel writing. Thanks for this post, nice to know retreats can help. :)
Miguel ~ Trip Bitten recently posted..A trip to the breathtaking HuangHuaCheng Great Wall with Bike Beijing
Hi Miguel. I used to organize marketing seminars, but they weren’t focused on writing. Good point about that style being more impersonal, I know what you mean. And good luck with finding the right retreat!